TS DDO Request treasury.telangana.gov.in/ddoreq Salary Bills

Telangana Treasury ddoreq salaries Bills Hyderabad http://treasury.telangana.gov.in/ddoreq

Hyderabad: DDO Request, Telangana treasury salary bill and Telangana state GO’s for Employees new website treasury.telangana.gov.in/ddoreq. Telangana state was apart from Andhra Pradesh at June 2, 2014. Telangana had identified as 29th state in India on June second. Now, it is a new state formed in India. Hyderabad would be the combined capital for Andhra Pradesh (AP) and Telangana (TG) till 2024. In the mean time Telangana will form its own government. The properties of Andhra Pradesh would be shared between these two states by regarding population, financial status etc.,

Telangana Employees Salary bill 2015 preparation DDO Request new website was launched by KCR garu today. All Telangana state employees for downloading Go's in Telangana treasury website treasury.telangana.gov.in/ddoreq.

 Employees would be benefited in both states. Recently Telangana made some web portals for employees. TG DDO request 2014 web portal has been released for government employees to apply for salaries and TG GO's website has been released to check for Telangana GO details. These web portals are released at present for both states. Later Telangana will release their permanent TG DDO REQUEST, TG GO's 2014 soon.

Telangana Treasury website, TG Cyber Treasury new website : treasury.telangana.gov.in

Telangana DDOREQ website, TG DDO request portal https://treasury.telangana.gov.in/ddoreq